Planning and Research
Mission, Goals, and Planning
The mission of Sandhills Community College is to provide educational opportunities of the highest quality to all we serve. The mission and its six supporting goals were reviewed campus-wide in 2021. The six goals supporting the mission are utilized by each college department and academic program to set outcomes to support the college’s mission and goals. The Office of Planning and Research supports the data collection and measurement necessary to determine how well Sandhills is meeting campus-wide outcome objectives and goals. In addition, the Office of Planning and Research regularly measures department and office-specific mission statements with goals and outcomes.
The Planning Process
The following documents explains the college’s strategic planning process, presents the planning cycle, and illustrates the college’s campus-wide engagement in planning.
- College-Wide Planning Engagement & Calendar of Events
- The College Strategic Plan of Operations (2024-2028)
The Evaluation Process
Program reviews are conducted each year by all departments, both instructional and non-instructional. For instructional departments, program reviews look closely at student learning outcomes and program outcomes. When departments find that they need to improve outcomes, they outline a plan for improvement, including budget requests. For non-instructional departments, program reviews look at a department’s role in the overall function of the institution and include program changes, challenges, successes, plans for improvement, and budget requests.
Every fourth year instructional and non-instructional departments complete an intensive program review. During this process, each department is thoroughly reviewed and discussed from the department level to the senior administration. The process is important because it requires each department to reflect on its current status as well as to consider its future direction.
Data & Information
Explore and interact with data on enrollment and student success by clicking on the link below.
Student Achievement Data
Campus Wide Outcomes
Annually, the College assesses its College Goals to ensure that it is continuously seeking improvement through planning, evaluation, and assessment. The Campus Wide Outcomes are one of the primary ways that the College measures institutional effectiveness and accesses student achievement. The Campus Wide Outcomes document includes goals spanning across college departments, the College’s student success indicator and graduation metric (The National Student Clearinghouse’s Six-Year Graduation Rate), and the College’s performance on the annual North Carolina Community College Performance Measures.
2021-2022 Campus Wide Outcomes
The North Carolina Community College Performance Measures
The North Carolina Community College System Office (NCCCS) publishes annual performance information related to state-wide performance measures. These measures include student graduation and transfer data. The full report for all 58 NC community colleges is listed below.
North Carolina Community College Performance Measures
Academic Assessment
At Sandhills student learning is assessed annually in both our Applied Science and General Education departments. Applied Science outcomes are assessed at the program level as part of the annual program review process. General Education outcomes are assessed through a separate General Education Assessment cycle. Additional information regarding the General Education Assessment can be found below:
If you have any questions concerning the planning and research policies or procedures of Sandhills Community College, please contact
Dean of Planning and Research
144 Blue Hall
(910) 695-3907