Leadership Team
Dr. Julie Voigt, Chief of Staff
Phone: (910) 695-3715
Office: 106 Stone Hall
Email: voigtj@sandhills.edu
Dr. Rebecca Roush, Provost and Chief Academic Officer
Phone: (910) 695-3704
Office: 107 Stone Hall
Email: roushr@sandhills.edu
Michelle Bauer, Vice Provost for Instructional Programs
Phone: (910) 695-3912
Office: 125 Van Dusen Hall
Email: bauerm@sandhills.edu
Dr. DJ Farmer, Executive Vice President
Phone: (910) 695-3714
Office: 123 Stone Hall
Email: farmerdj@sandhills.edu

Chad Williams, Vice President of Student Services
Phone: (910) 695-3900
Office: 122 Stone Hall
Email: williamsch@sandhills.edu
Germaine Elkins, Vice President for Engagement
Phone: (910) 695-3706
Office: 62A Causey Hall
Email: elkinsg@sandhills.edu