Title IX Training Documentation
Section 106.45(b) of the 2020 Final Title IX Regulations require the sharing of “All
materials used to train Title IX Coordinators, investigators, decision-makers, and
any person who facilitates an informal resolution process. A recipient must make these
training materials publicly available on its website, or if the recipient does not
maintain a website the recipient must make these materials available upon request
for inspection by members of the public.”
Sandhills Community College is a member of the Association of Title IX Administrators
(ATIXA) which provides the appropriate training materials to meet the necessary criteria
as outlined by the Title IX Regulations including training that does not rely on sex
stereotypes and promote impartial investigations and adjudications.
- Training & Certification Course - Civil Rights Investigator Two
- Training & Certification Course - Civil Rights Investigator Three: Practical Skills
- Training & Certification Course - Informal Resolution Foundations for Higher Education
- Training & Certification Course - Investigation Foundations for Higher Education
- Training & Certification Course - Investigation Report Writing for Higher Education
- Training & Certification Course - Investigation Skills and Report Writing for Higher Education
- Training & Certification Course - NPRiMer: Preparing for the Pending Title IX Regulations
- Training & Certification Course - NPRiMer: Preparing for the Pending Title IX Regulations Day Two
- Training & Certification Course - Title IX Compliance & Athletics in Higher Education
- Training & Certification Course - Title IX Coordinator One: Foundations Training & Certification Course
- Training & Certification Course - Title IX Coordinator Two: Additional Topics for New and Experienced Coordinators
- Training & Certification Course - Title IX Coordinator and Administrator Four: Advocacy, Prevention, and Trauma
- Training & Certification Course - Title IX Coordinator Five: Bias & Cultural Competencies
- Training & Certification Course - Title IX Hearing Officer and Decision-Maker
- Training & Certification Course - Title IX Higher Education Decision-Maker
- Writing Outcome Rationales - An ATIXA Best Practices Workshop Education