(Pinehurst, NC) -- In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s legacy, the public is
invited to join faculty, staff and students at Sandhills Community College for "A
Mile for MLK" on Wednesday, January 15 at 12 p.m. The walk will begin promptly at 12:10
p.m. at the flagpole in front of Stone Hall.
A table with hand warmers and hot chocolate will be available as the group honors
the life and work of Dr. King during a brief walk with continued dialog around campus.
This year’s theme, "Cultivating a Beloved Community Mindset to Transform Unjust Systems," invites
participants to reflect on how we can foster understanding, compassion, and positive
change. “As a learning community, this walk is an opportunity to honor the values
Dr. King championed and to come together in support of shared goals such as belonging,
opportunity, and mutual respect,” said Shenika E. Ward, Ed.S., Dean of Cultural &
Community Engagement at the College. “The march offers an excellent co-curricular
learning experience, providing opportunities to discuss civic engagement, community
leadership, and social justice on our campus.”
While the campus event takes place on Dr. King’s actual birthday, January 15, the
campus community is encouraged to participate in community events on January 20, the
federal observance day.
“We look forward to coming together as a campus community to honor the legacy of a
man whose vision and leadership continue to inspire change,” said Ward.