Password and Account Management


NOTE: To do any of these you must start by logging into your SCC student webmail as this controls access to all your accounts.

Change your password?

  • In your email, select your profile in the top corner.
    NOTE: If you sign in on a phone, it is easiest to open a browser window and go to to access your initials/photo in the top corner.
  • Then View account > Password > Change Password.
    Passwords have to be at minimum 14 characters with at least one number, one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter and a special character. They cannot contain your first or last name or be one of your past five passwords.
  • IMPORTANT: If you have saved your password in your browser, be certain you overwrite it or clear your saved passwords before using the new password!
  • Note: It can take up to 15 minutes to process after you change your password.


Password Recovery Set Up


Need to Update your Password Recovery Methods?

  • In your account select View account from your profile in the top corner.
    NOTE: If you sign in on a phone, it is easiest to open a browser window and go to to access your initials/photo in the top corner.
  • Click Security info > Update info.
  • This will show you your current settings so you can make any needed changes.


Forgotten your password or cannot access your account?

Click the following link to reset your password


Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

NOTE: To do any of these you must start by logging into your SCC student webmail as this controls access to all your accounts.

MFA Set Up

  • Multi-Factor Authentication, also known as 2-Step Authentication, is a Microsoft delivered feature which allows users to better protect their account by requiring additional steps when signing in. It is different than Password Recovery.
  • Directions for setting up MFA the first time.


Need to Update your MFA?

  • In your account select View account from your profile in the top corner.
    NOTE: If you sign in on a phone, it is easiest to open a browser window and go to to access your initials/photo in the top corner.
  • Click Security info > Update info.
  • This will show you your current settings so you can make any needed changes.
  • IMPORTANT:  if you no longer have access to the old number you will need to use the Help Desk to remove that number before adding a new one.
  • If you are using the MFA app and need to make updates, please call (910) 695-3827.


Continue to your webmail login