Domestic Violence Awareness

For a victim, domestic violence is a very personal issue and can be potentially dangerous. Prompt recognition and assessment of a domestic violence situation is paramount in getting a domestic violence victim help. In the case of domestic violence, the more indicators present the greater potential for a life-threatening situation.

Any faculty members, staff members, or students who become aware of situations that threaten the safety of the campus community must notify campus security individual immediately.

Dangerous indicators may be when an individual (batterer):

  • threatens homicide or suicide.
  • is in possession of weapons.
  • believes he/she (batterer) have “ownership” over another person (victim).
  • believes he/she (batterer) have lost hope for a positive future with the victim.
  • is involved in a separation.
  • displays signs of depression.
  • has gained or seeks access to the battered person and/or family members.
  • makes repeated calls to law enforcement.
  • engages in actions without fear of consequences.

If you feel based on the circumstances [or indicators] that the situation warrants further action, encourage the victim to seek additional help by contacting the police, campus security, a campus counselor or the appropriate dean.

The following are possible (victim) indicators of domestic violence.
An individual:

  • presents visible signs of bruises, cuts, burns, human bite marks, and fractures, especially injuries to the eyes, nose, teeth and jaw.
  • suffers injury during pregnancy, miscarries, or experiences premature birth.
  • allows injuries to go untreated.
  • has multiple injuries that are in different stages of healing.
  • displays inappropriate clothing or accessories, possibly to cover signs of injury (i.e. long sleeves on a hot day or sunglasses to cover bruises).
  • has stress-related ailments (i.e. headaches, backaches, problems sleeping)
  • has anxiety-related conditions (i.e. overwhelming feelings of panic).
  • is experiencing depression, suicidal thoughts or makes an attempt at suicide
  • displays excessive use of alcohol or other drugs.
  • has attendance problems, difficulty concentrating, or problems meeting deadlines/assignments.
  • receives repeated upsetting telephone calls at work/ school.
  • has withdrawn from co-workers/fellow students.