Faculty Job Description and Performance Evaluation

A faculty member’s performance is evaluated by criteria that are consistent with the Sandhill’ Community College Faculty Mission and Philosophy statement. Sandhill’ “statement of academic freedom” included in the Personnel Manual supports the free and open exchange of academic concepts and ideas on campus and as part of classroom activities. At the same time, the faculty evaluation process helps ensure that the equally important principle of academic integrity is also followed. With these two principles in mind, faculty teaching performance is measured against the letter and spirit of the mission and philosophy statement as well as the following criteria.

The faculty teaching criteria are stated in the numbered items. The lettered items are examples of how the requirements will be met, although other items may be added, where appropriate, for individual departments. These criteria are also used in faculty and student evaluation forms. During the evaluation process, emphasis is placed on improving faculty performance through professional development activities. Sandhill’ Community College recognizes that scholarship is an important aspect of the faculty mission. Participation in formal research activity, however, is not a contractual expectation for faculty members.

Faculty members should do the following:

  1. Provide appropriate and effective instruction.
    1. Provide each student with a course syllabus that includes course objectives that are stated in terms of student learning outcomes, learning activities to achieve those objectives, method of evaluation, and an attendance policy that provides for reasonable absences in case of emergencies and illness.
    2. Provide learning activities that stimulate student involvement, encourage reflection and critical thinking, and take into consideration different learning styles.
    3. Evaluate students’ work according to departmental standards.
    4. Meet scheduled classes or provide appropriate activities approved by the department chair according to the terms stated in the faculty contract.
  2. Stay current in the scholarship of their discipline and teaching methodology.
    1. Maintain active membership in at least one professional organization in the teaching discipline or otherwise read journals in the teaching field.
    2. Attend at least one conference or workshop when appropriate and funds permit.
    3. Attend on-campus workshops related to the teaching field or to learning in general when scheduling permits.

    Sandhill’ Community College recognizes that scholarship is an important aspect of the faculty mission. Participation in formal research activity, however, is not a contractual expectation for faculty members.

  3. Support student learning outside of class.
    1. Advertise and maintain office hours.
    2. Encourage students to visit with you during office hours.
    3. Provide information about available resources outside of class: Internet, library, or others.
  4. Be an effective and helpful advisor.
    1. Be available to assist advisees during course planning and orientation periods or arrange for another faculty member to substitute for you when other college meetings or approved faculty leave may interfere.
    2. Be informed about the degree requirements of programs of the students you advise.
    3. Be informed about the transfer requirements of programs of the students you advise.
    4. Provide accurate records concerning each advisee’s progress toward meeting his or her educational goal.
    5. Be able to explain to students how to make contact with college resources such as tutoring, financial aid, and counseling.
  5. Support the department and the college.
    1. Actively engage in textbook selections and turn in book orders on time.
    2. Actively engage in course schedule requests and turn in course schedule requests on time.
    3. Participate in department meetings.
    4. Participate in college-sponsored staff development as related to your discipline or teaching in general as your teaching schedule permits.
  6. Maintain a collegial relationship with others at the college.
    1. Respect the work of other staff members of the college who provide support through administration, clerical, maintenance, library, audiovisual, food service, and other services, especially in planning requests for services or in responding in a timely manner for requests for information or services from you.
    2. Maintain and support an encouraging attitude toward other members of your department and colleagues in other departments.

Distance Learning Faculty Job Description and Evaluation Criteria

In addition to the above criteria for classroom courses, faculty members who teach distance learning courses will be evaluated according to the following criteria. Distance learning faculty should do the following:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of basic computer operations.
    1. Be able to use Internet Explorer or other browser that is compatible with Blackboard and maintain the current version on your computer.
    2. Be able to use search engines to locate relevant Internet activities and sources for your students.
    3. Be able to use email to respond to your students’ questions. Also maintain records of your email correspondence.
    4. Be able to locate, use, and refer students to online support and resources provided in your course via the “Help” button.
    5. Be able to use the Discussion Board and the assessments area of the Control Panel to provide students with appropriate interactive assignments in your course.
  2. Maintain contact with students, provide support, and make appropriate assignments.
    1. Provide an orientation to your course. If it is on-campus, also provide an orientation through your course itself for students who cannot attend on campus.
    2. Make contact with distance learning students in a timely fashion via email, course announcements, and assignments posted in your course.
    3. Be available via electronic means for assistance, for responding to questions, or otherwise assisting the students enrolled.
    4. Develop assignments that make the course an interactive experience with other students rather than a correspondence course between one teacher and one student.
  3. Respond to assignments and concerns.
    1. Respond to assignments and students concerns in a timely manner.
    2. Provide study guides or other support materials within the course.
  4. Be able to use and explain Internet research materials and other college resources.
    1. Be able to use and explain to students how to locate and use reference materials available via electronic means through Boyd Library’s online databases.
    2. Be able to explain to students how to make contact with college resources such as tutoring, financial aid, and counseling through their course site.